Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Bhante Kalyanawansa was born 1972 in Sri Lanka and became a monk in 1983 at Weihena temple, Galle District. Bhante has his higher ordination in 1992 Malwatta temple, Kandy and studied 08 subjects during his pirivena life (monks school). After completed his high school, he studied Buddhist philosophy at city of Kelaniya Univeristy from 1995 to 1999. After graduation, Bhante worked in the government for 2 years. In 2001, Bhante went to the United States of America to propagate Buddhism for over 09 years. It is Bhante's every wish to provide Financial Assistance to the Medical Students in their studies. Following are 2 letters from the students appealing for your kind assistance.(Note: The letters below from the students were unedited).To donate, kindly write directly to for details.

From: Buddhinee Weerasinghe
Sent: Tue, 18 January, 2011 8:03:16 PM

I am, Buddhinee priyasadi Weerasinghe, a 3rd year medical student at University of Sri Jayewardanepura,Sri Lanka.My parents do not have permenant jobs and it is difficult to them to give me money for my needs.I have to expend about 140,000/= for a year for my residence,books,stationaries etc.So I am seeking a financial support for my studies as my parents can not bear such an expense & also my younger brother is willing to enter the university in this year(2011).It is a worth help if i could have any support.

I did my primary education @ Ananda college,Elpitiya and entered Visakha Vidyalaya,Colombo as I passed grade 5 scholarship exam.Since it is a great school I didn't want to go tution classes for school education.Since I was staying at school hostal without going for tution my parents were able to bear my expenses.I passed O/L wt 8A's & passed A/L's with 3A's.
As I know the dificulties with studies I wish to help students who need help after I got the job.
I kindly request your great help.
Thank you!


Honorable Thero,

I’m M.G. Ruwani Chandrika , a student of Allied Health Science in faculty of
Medicine, Karapitiya in the university of Ruhuna in Sri Lanka. I am the 2nd in a family of five including my parents. My father is a farmer & mother is a housewife. My elder sister is an undergraduate of the university of Colombo in Sri Lanka and my brother is studying Advanced Level in 2012. I’m studying with many difficulties because all of three are studying and we have to spend lot of money for our education, but there is no enough income for my parents.

During my education, I have lot of expenses for books, uniforms, bording fees, meals and bus fees…… ets. In these situations I have to face a lot of inconvenience because of the lack of good income. I am spend about Rs. 96000/= per year for those. This is a problem to me. I have about 3 years more to study. I am very much grateful to you if you pay your attention with this matter.

After my university life I like very much to pay my service to people. My ambition is to become a good, professional health worker & offer my service to the world. I do my best for my loving people. One day there will be children with many difficulties during their educational life such as me. I think I will be able to help them. I like so much for such things.As a Buddhist student I must do and I can do that.

Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,

M.G. Ruwani Chandrika