Saturday, October 23, 2010


Picture1 the Bodhi tree area
 Picture2 Small kutis for the Buddha images surrounding the Bodhi Tree
Picture3 (Close up of Kuan Yin Image)
Picture4 taken from a different angle of the Kuan Yin Image
Picture5 taken from a short distance
29/3/2013: The Kuan Yin Image is fully completed and ready to be shipped out to Sacramento on the 8th April, 2013 together with the 34 Buddha images (below pictures 6&7) and 2 incense urns(picture8) 
 picture6, Buddha images for the Bodhi Tree area
picture8 2 incense urns for Bodhi Tree and Kuan Yin

01/03/2013: We are glad to share with you that we have finally found the right 13.5ft  high Kuan Yin Image (above left). The Image will be painted all white! Sadhu!

Building a 7ft Standing Avalokitesvara Image in Sacramento, USA
Avalokiteśvara (Sanskrit: अवलोकितेश्वर) means literally “Lord who looks down.” He is the bodhisattva who looks down upon every sentient being with compassion.The name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means "Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World". She is also sometimes referred to as Guanyin Pusa (simplified Chinese: 观音菩萨; traditional Chinese: 觀音菩薩; pinyin: Guānyīn Púsà; Wade–Giles: Kuan-yin Pu-sah; literally "Bodhisattva Guanyin").[1
The term "bodhisatta" (Pāli language) was used by the Buddha in the Pāli canon to refer to himself both in his previous lives and as a young man in his current life, prior to his enlightenment, in the period during which he was working towards his own liberation. When, during his discourses, he recounts his experiences as a young aspirant, he regularly uses the phrase "When I was an unenlightened bodhisatta..." The term therefore connotes a being who is "bound for enlightenment", in other words, a person whose aim is to become fully enlightened or the Supreme Buddha-in-waiting.
Building the Avalokitesvara/Kuan Yin Image is to encourage others to aspire, reflect and perfect the qualities of Virtues and to follow the path to enlightenment.  Anyone who is interested to be part of this noble project, may contact Sis Bee Yong @ 012-208 5856.
May All beings strive to fulfill their 10 paramis* for the benefits of all beings and the Universe. Sadhu!

Mahasadhu to the following donors:
Tan Heang Hwee & Family
Wong Poh Yoke & Family
Dato Teoh Tiaw Seang & Family
Lim Lay Chin & Family
Lee Chiew Tee & Family
Mr & Mrs Tan Kong Sing & Family
Soh Siew Hong (IMO Late Mother Tan Keow)
Julianna Tan & Family
Wong Kok Leong & Family
Yong Wai Chun & Family
Ho Seng Chay
Ho Kok Leong
Liew Chai Hoon
Kwok Way Chu
Ho Sau Fun
Syk Zi-To Chu
Lim Eng Choo
Ng Kok Tiong
Tee Ah Moi
Shaollin Qigong Neijin
Mr & Mrs Alen Lim & Family
Yee Mei Lian
Chong Meng Yee
Lee Lee Hen
Lim Chih Hung
Lim Chieh Mey
Chong Kok Chin
Low Kock Chew
Emilia Seymour
Liew Yet Lian & Family
Lim Siew Ying & Family
Tai Hock Seng & Family
Buddha Disciple
Buddha Disciple
Chin Fung Chee
Ong Tze How & Family
Ng Mei Choo & Family
Wong Kam Ying, Wong Chin Keong & Wong Chin Shai
A K Lee & Family
Tan Hui Jan & Family
Rodger Tan Jun Ying & Family
Wong Kok Mun & Family
William Chan Chin Yong, Teow Yoke Yean & Family
Ong Kok Hong, Lim Aik Peng & Family
Ru Huan
Chin Voon Szn & Family
Lim Eng Bee & Family
Robert Tan Kim Cheng & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Goh Min Choo
Lim Mee Li
Lee Ming Tzyy & Family
Basil Chan Jun Wei
Mdm Ng Lai Chan
Neoh Kai Chun
BMV Sunday Food Stall Group
Yeoh, Ng & Tan Family
Chai Koh Wei & Family
Chan Tat Seng & Family
Chai Shi Hao
Yap Wai Hoong
Loh Tuck Kum
Rachelle Chow Yenn Thung
Dato Teoh Tiaw Seang & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Chin Voon Szn & Family
Loke Sau Chan
Goh Shu Yi & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Low Cheng Ngoh
Yong Chai Peng & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Yong Fook Chee & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Robert Tan Kim Cheng & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Goh Shu Yi & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Yong Moon Cheong & Yong Siew Peng ((IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Liew Yuet Kuan
Liew Soon Sang Moy & Family
Mr & Mrs Tan Teik Beng & Family
Ng Gaek Eng
Chan Keng Moi
Jennifer Chuah

Loke Choy Har
Ng Hock Heng & Family
Teoh guan Yen & Family
BMV Sunday Food Stall Group
Yong Wai Chun & Family
Low Kok Chai & Cheong Siew Lin & Family
Tai Geck Suan & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Elaine Low Lee Lim
Tony Tan & Family
Cheah & Family
Aunty Cheah & Family
Loke Choy Har
Loh Tuck Kum
Ng Khoon Chong
Wong Poh Yoke
Wong Teck Kong
Vivien & Lenny Laska
Leong Teck Eng
Jane Lim Ah Mee

*In the Pāli canon's Buddhavaṃsa[3] the Ten Perfections (dasa pāramiyo) are (original terms in Pāli): Dāna pāramī : generosity, giving of oneself, Sīla pāramī : virtue, morality, proper conduct, Nekkhamma pāramī : renunciation, Paññā pāramī : transcendental wisdom, insight, Viriya (also spelled vīriya) pāramī : energy, diligence, vigour, effort, Khanti pāramī : patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, endurance,  Sacca pāramī : truthfulness, honesty, Adhiṭṭhāna (adhitthana) pāramī : determination, resolution, Mettā pāramī : loving-kindness, Upekkhā (also spelled upekhā) pāramī : equanimity, serenity


12/11/2010: Kathina at ABS Temple please visit: . Sadhu!
09/11/2010: Message from Bhante Seelawimala: Miraculous Lights of Somavathie Stupa:
Mysterious and unexplainable appearance of colorful lights at the Somawathi Stupa is a common occurrence that is captured in this video. Locals regard these lights as the re- appearance of Aura of the Buddha. Such lights appear at the Stupa several time a year and thousands of people, Buddhists and non- Buddhists do witness these unexplainable phenomenon often . These vibrant lights have seen by people in the day time as well as night times.According to the historical records one of the Buddha's tooth relics has been enshrined inside the Stupa. The Stupa has been erected to pay homage to the Buddha close to 2000 years ago in the Anuradhapura period. See the youtube video:

Somawathi Stupa In Sri Lanka

Read More:

Somawathie Stupa reblossoming after restoring peace!
(Sunday Observer – by Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera)
There was a glorious time in our history that we all could go on a pilgrimage to the ‘Solosmastana (16 Buddhist sites in Sri Lanka which became sacred by receiving the noble touch of the Buddha during His three visits to the island) across the island freely and sacredly. Especially the great sites such as Nagadeepa, Seruvila, Somawathie, Deeghawapi etc. But at a time about 30 years ago, the great nation became an unfortunate victim of the world’s deadliest and most inhuman terrorism. The peace, calmness, weal, happiness… everything went hiding in a world of darkness where there was no hope of kindness at all. The shameless international and local forces of power that bred terrorism always made sure to treat the coward leader who was behind everything, Velupillai Prabhakaran as an unstoppable fighter for liberation.
The grand oblation ceremony on May 8 from 7 p.m.

Thousands of invaluable human lives were lost at the bloody hands of terrorists. Sacred sites were deserted for many decades. Somawathie was among them and one of the greatest sites we lost in the thick jungle off Polonnaruwa, east of Sri Lanka. Stepping beyond Polonnaruwa towards the East was considered a ferocious deal with the terrorists. The places where we heard the chanting of the Dhamma, were totally filled up with terror and horror. Nobody wants to recall those horrific memories for sure. But the innocent bhikkhus, disciples, villagers, farmers, students and everybody became unfortunate victims of terror. Bodies were piled up in villages.
The terrorists have no principles. They do anything they wish against their enemies. As a result, they started destroying Buddhist temples and historical sites across the island. The turret of the great stupa Somawathie was also separated from its original location but the terrorists could not take it away as it had been protected miraculously. They had tried their best to damage the stupa. But the shining stupa with glamorous rays of the Buddha could not be harmed even with their most dangerous weapons.
Pathetic experience
The horrible memories of thirty years of terrorism are still disturbing us from time to time. My memories go back to a day in the year 1985. It was April 17. I was on my way to Kantale from Seruvila. The bus was suddenly attacked at a place close to the river Mahaweli in the middle of the jungle by a group of terrorists who were in hiding. We immediately lay down in the bus but the attack continued. Fortunately, the bus was driven by a Sergeant of Sri Lanka Army. Due to his courage, the bus did not roll down. After a few minutes we heard the reprisal by the troops of Sri Lanka Army who saved us and chased away the terrorists back to the jungle. It was a narrow escape for us.
Somehow, I managed to reach Kantale by late evening and spent the night at Ratanamangalarama Temple in Venrasanpura. Everyone was horrified. It was utter darkness. There was a temporary hut on top of a massive tree behind the temple for us to spend the night. That was the usual way of life of those villagers. I hardly slept in that long fearful night. Everybody was impatient to witness the sun on the following morning day. The darkness was so scary and uncertain. The journey to Colombo continued on the following morning with no clues of a war after passing Habarana. It was totally a different world.
Massive calamity averted
However, that was not the only experience I had with terrorism. In the year 2008, we at Mahamevna organised a grand oblation ceremony at the compound of the Swarnamalie Stupa in the ancient city of Anuradhapura. The devotees who came from all over Sri Lanka were over 1.1 million. Terrorism neither has boundaries nor feelings. This time their target was the innocent devotees gathered at this most sacred venue. A high-powered bomb which was neatly packed in a beautiful bag of flowers was on its way to the venue. For some reason the bomb exploded in the bus at Dambulla killing about 20 innocent civilians on the spot. But if their mission became successful as planned, the destruction would have been massive with many hundreds of human lives perished. Terrorism is so horrendous.
There is no room for happiness, prosperity or development of arts when there is no peace and harmony around. The blessed island was attacked by heretic terrorists from time to time but great leaders emerged from society and chased those devils away. The 30 year long bloody terrorism in the country also ended recently due to the emergence of an excellent leader from the historic ‘Ruhuna’ where the great King Dutugemunu came from. His immense determination and dedication powered by Buddhism and patriotism freed the entire land from terrorism. The feeling of the moment was beyond words.
We had first hand experience of the reality of terrorism for many years. It is a miraculous relief for us to witness the end of brutal terrorism in this little island. Experiencing the true nature of ‘peace’ is an absolutely wonderful feeling. Many local and international ‘Peace Jokers’ who were here during the past 30 years, only bred terrorism to separate and destroy the country hiding behind the word ‘peace’. They did nor want any peace here. They were just ‘peace traders’ but nothing beyond. Peace for Sri Lanka became a realistic dream because of the great, leadership that led the nation to victory.

Now it is time for us to dig out the lost glory. Again we have got the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage to Solosmastana with no fear or hesitation. The great Stupa Somawathie has begun to shine again in the thick forest. Devotees have started to go on pilgrimage to the shining Stupa with great devotion. Not only a refreshing spring, there in the North and the East. Highlighting the jubilant moments in a peaceful country, we are celebrating the first anniversary of a terror-free land on May 8 with a grand oblation ceremony at the great Stupe Somawathie.
We should have some idea about the historical background of this great Stupa shining with brilliant rays of the Buddha in the deep jungle off Polonnaruwa.
King Kawantissa, father of the great King Dutugemunu built the beautiful Stupa called ‘Mangala Maha Seya’ in Seruwila depositing in it ‘Frontal Bone’ of the Most Fortunate One. Those days the plains around the river Mahaweli were a well populated. During this time there were provincial Kings ruling certain parts of the country mostly Indian immigrants from the ‘Shiva’ cult. The majority of them had a close relationship with native rulers. ‘Abhaya’ also known as ‘Giri Aba’ was such a King who ruled Kelaniya. He got married to the sister called ‘Somawathie’ of King Kawantissa. As the Prince Dutugemunu was becoming a powerful native ruler in the Southern region, the new couple Abhaya and Somawathie peace and tranquillity went to another Shiva King who was ruling the Seru Nuwara area in the Eastern region. They were gifted with a fertile land by the provincial King. The land located in the plains of the river Mahaweli was finely developed by the Prince Abhaya and was named ‘Soma Nuwara’ as it was originally gifted to the Princess Somawathie.
The Princess Somawathie was a devoted Buddhist. She was determined to build a complete Buddhist site in the area with a wonderful Stupa for the benefit of everybody. Prince Giri Aba was extremely pleased with this great idea and they invited 60 Arahants and offered dana. They were blessed by the Arahants and proceeded with the construction of the stupa.
The generation of Sangha was still feckless. The Arahant Mahadeva was from the student generation of Great Arahant Arittha. An Arahant called Mahinda, a student of Arahant Mahadeva was protecting the Tooth Relic (Right) of The Blessed One. As the royal couple came across this news, they requested Arahant Mahinda for relics to be deposited in the Stupa they were planning to build.
The Sangha along with Arahant Mahinda were so glad about the idea and handed over the well-protected Tooth Relic to the prince. The couple continued the veneration for the Relics and started building the Stupa. The tooth Relic was deposited in the bowels of the completed Stupa and it was named ‘Somawathie Stupa’ as everything was initiated and supervised by the princess Somawathie.
According to contemporary inscriptions, the site was also known as ‘Maniagiya’ - the Priceless Gem. This has been a complete temple construction where every little need was met for the bhikkhus as well as for devotees.
Due to the insane attacks and the destruction of Buddhist sites by South Indian rulers the areas were abandoned. Those days we had to cross the river mahaweli to reach Somawathie. The only route to the great Stupa Somawathie has been built via the banks of the old river Mahaweli.
Miraculous powers
Though this great Stupa was hidden in the jungle for years, the fame and the glory could not be hidden due to its miraculous powers, especially the emanating of golden rays of the Buddha and the divine sounds and aromas.
In the year 1947, a group accompanied by Ven. Sirimalwatte Sri Piyaratane Thera entered the thick jungle off Polonnaruwa which was full of elephants, bears, tigers etc. in search of this miraculous site and they were lost in the jungle! The horrified group was helpless. But in reality they were not helpless.
A few hundred metres away, they saw a powerful stream of light flashing in the air and they followed it. Just before the midnight the group was able to find the great Stupa which appeared as a hillock flashing the golden rays of the Buddha. After paying homage to the Noble Triple Gem, the happy group chanted Pirith and they were determined to rebuild the Stupa. A divine sound of Hevisi ( A kind of drum used mainly in religious events) emanated from the inner Stupa but nobody could be seen around.
The re-construction began under the guidance of Ven, Sirimalwatte Sri Piyaratane Thera. The task was completed. The ceremony for adorning the turret of the Stupa was held on July 4, 1991 and thousands of devotees who gathered were fortunate enough to witness the 45 minute long glamorous and miraculous flashing of the rays of the Buddha.
Again after the 1983 racial riots. Reaching the site became extremely difficult and risk. Ven. Sirimalwatte Sri Piyaratane Thera dedicated his whole life to the great Stupa Somawathie and passed away assigning the responsibilities to Ven. Pahamune Sri Gunananda Thera who did a great job by protecting and developing the sacred site during his lifetime. Now, Ven. Pahamune Sri Sumangala Thera who took over from his teacher Ven. Pahamune Sri Gunananda Thera, is doing a marvellous job for the great Stupa being an ideal example for the rest of the Bhikkhus.
I got an opportunity to go on pilgrimage to the Stupa in 2008. It was an idea which came in to my mind to conduct an oblation ceremony at this site similar to the massive event we organised in Anuradhapura at the great Stupa Swarnamalee in the same year.
We offered flowers, paid homage to the Noble Triple Gem and shared the merits with deities after reciting the ‘Dhamma Chakkappawattana Sutta’ making a wish to see an ending of the 30 year long terrorism. Finally I determined to conduct an oblation ceremony at this site in a terror-free atmosphere in the island. Now the time has come for the nation to prosper with no more fear of terrorism.
Lack of facilities
Recently we visited there to discuss the program with Ven. Pahamune Sri Sumangala Thera. After the discussion we paid homage to the great Stupa, recited Pirith invoking the blessings for the event scheduled for May 8. And again the brilliant rays of the Buddha were shining above the Stupa. It was astonishing!
Recalling the glory days, a 9 foot tall statue of the Buddha placed on a rocky seat will be available for making offerings.
Fifty plants of jasmine are being prepared to offer to the Stupa on the day of the ceremony. The scheduled Pooja, all-night Pirith chanting and reciting of infinite qualities of Lord Buddha will be a great experience for the Buddhists in this blessed island.
At present Somawathie is not an area with facilities for devotees. Water, sanitary, food and lodging facilities are extremely limited.
Therefore, we request those capable of providing these requirements to come forward. We also remind the devotees who expect to participate at this great event to bring a plate, a cup and a mat/sheet for seating purposes. Since we have planned to recite Pirith throughout the night, we expect you to bring the ‘Pirith Book’ and the ‘Pali Sathipattana Sutta Book’ along with you.
May everybody blissfully participate in the grand event at great Stupa Somawathie where the Tooth Relic (right) of The Most Fortunate One is deposited! May everybody realise the rarity of the opportunity…!
May your lucky eyes be fortunate enough to witness every single moment of this special day….! May everybody come forward with devoted hearts…! May you all get a chance to offer at least a wildflower to this great Stupa…! May the land that protected the ‘Gauthama Buddha Sasana’ be protected forever from terrorism with utmost kindness in everybody’s heart and shine with prosperity with the blessings of this oblation ceremony…! May everybody feel the freedom and joy in the land that is full of great Relics with miraculous powers of the Most Compassionate One, with the great merits of this grand event…! With the blessings of the merits, may this miraculous Island become a great wonderful state in the world!!!

28/10/2010: Message from Bhante Seelawimala: Dear All,
Happy to inform you that Buddhist Pansiya Panas Jataka Katha (Stories) are available on the web in Sinhala and English languages. Please pass this message to everybody you know that may be interested. Following is the URL. Thank you!!

Mentioning its importance in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta, the Buddha called it ekāyano maggo - the only way for the purification of beings, for overcoming sorrow, for extinguishing suffering, for walking on the path of truth and for realising nibbāna (liberation).

American Buddhist Seminary( ABS), Temple and Meditation Center in Sacramento, California is committed to study and practice this Path of Purification of all beings. ABS is headed by Ven. Madawala Seelawimala (picture above), a senior Mahathera of the Theravada Buddhist Tradition, who spent his last 34 years in teaching the Dharma and meditation in North America.

Venerable Madawala Seelawimala Mahathera (Bhante Seelawimala), was ordained as a novice monk in Sri Lanka when he was ten years old. He was ordained by the Most Venerable Dhamma Master Hendiyagala Sri Seelaratanabhidhana Nayaka Maha Thera of Ancient Cave Temple in Kurunegala District Sri Lanka, who was one of the most revered Dharma teachers in Sri Lanka at the time. At age eleven he entered Maliyadeva Boy’s College became the only young monk who went through secular education in Sri Lanka. During this period he grew up under the supervision of Venerable Dr. Dickwela Piyananda who started the Washington Buddhist Vihara, the first Theravada Vihara in North America, with the collaboration of Sasana Sevaka Society of Sri Lanka. He received his higher ordination at age twenty in 1968. He received his bachelor’s degree in Buddhist Philosophy 1971 from University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya. In 1974 he received his Masters Degree at the same university.
By the invitation of late Reverend Tsuji, the Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America, the largest Buddhist organization in America, Bhante came to the United States to teach Theravada Buddhism at the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) in Berkeley, California in 1976. Since then Bhante has been teaching at IBS and the Graduate Theological Union affiliated with the University of California Berkeley.

With his master, Venerable Dickwela Piyananda, he helped establish the Toronto Buddhist Vihara in Canada in 1982; he was instrumental in managing that Temple for first five years since the beginning. Subsequently he established Buddhist Vihara in British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He assisted in establishing the Buddhist Vihara in San Jose, California. In 1996 he established the ABS Temple at Sacramento ( Currently he is assisting Buddhist groups in Arizona and Edmonton, Canada towards setting up centers. Bhante travels widely throughout the United States, Canada, and Asia to give lectures, Dhamma talks, and meditation retreats.

This Meditation Center is to meet the demand for meditation retreats in Sacramento, where fellow meditators can practice meditation anytime throughout the year and to provide proper accommodation for the Sangha too. Promoting meditation is one way of propagating Buddha Sasana and is a Noble project to offer our gratitude to the Triple Gem.

All donations will be issued with receipts and donors will also be listed in ABS's Building Website. For further details, please call Sis Bee Yong @ 012-208 5856.

"Go Ye Forth, O Bhikkhus, for the benefit of many, for the
happiness of many, out of compassion for the world, for the
welfare, the benefit, the happiness of gods and men!
Go not any two together, O Bhikkhus, proclaim ye the Doctrine,
that is Excellent in the Beginning, Excellent in the Middle and Excellent in the End." - Buddha

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!

Mahasadhu to the following donors:
Robert Tan & Family
S K Teh & Family
Dato Teoh Tiaw Seang, Datin Tan Lay Sian & Family
Goh Shu Chau (IMO of Departed Relatives)
Goh Shu Yee (IMO of Departed Relatives)
Goh Shu Ming (IMO of Departed Relatives)
Maggie Chan & Family (IMO Leong Poh Khum)
Yong Chai Peng & Family (IMO Yong Wee Ooi & Yee Yuk Kheng)
Poh Joo Ming & Family
Chan Keng Moi & Family (IMO Chan Mee Joo)
Wong Poh Yoke (IMO Departed Relatives)
Foong Ah Chee & Family
Jane Lim Ah Mee
Sam Ngan Yoke
Chan Hon Wa
Lim Lay Chin & Family
Lim Poh Chuan & Family
Loke Swee Bee & Family
Yip Yoke Hwa & Family
Wong Tum Keong (All Sentient Beings in All Realm of Existence)
Ching Ming Kam
Liew Yuet Kuan (IMO Liew Tham Sang)
Soon Sang Moy (IMO Liew Tham Sang)
Poh Heng Group
Veron Mah
Judy Wang Ah Moi (IMO Cheong Swee Eng & Wang Ken Loon)
Angeline Tan Kwee Lan & Family (IMO Tan Kow Ngee)
Paul Chong Chuo Lunk (IMO Wong Cheek Lung)
Wong Swee Kee & Family
Mei Mee Ling
Chong Lee Yuen & Family (IMO Departed Relatives & Friends)
Dr Elaine Lim & Family (IMO Lim Seng Hin)
Yong Fook Chee & Yong Moon Cheong (IMO Yong Wee Ooi & Yee Yuk Kheng)
Yong Wai Chun & Family
Yong Moey Phin & Family
Loke Swee Bee & Family
Lim Yang Imm and Group
Merit Maker
Loke Bee Leng & Family
A K Lee & Family (IMO Lee Sew Boon)
Mei Mee Ling (IMO Mei Khai Fong & IMO Wong Cheek Lung)
Mei Yew Wey (IMO Mei Khai Fong & IMO Wong Cheek Lung)
Mei Chian Hwa (IMO Mei Khai Fong & IMO Wong Cheek Lung)
Wong Swee Kee & Family (IMO Mei Khai Fong & IMO Wong Cheek Lung)
Lau Kai Kong & Family (IMO All Departed Ones)
Ooi Soon Kok & Family (IMO All Departed Ones)
Fong Mei Lin & Family (IMO Fong Yeow Seng, Departed Relatives & Friends)